Archive | August, 2010

Sth worth memorizing – Awards of Asia Pacific Green Amazing Race

27 Aug





26 August 2010 

Pace in achieving our financial targets slipping….

Focus on revenue a key priority for Q3 and Q4


Our July financial results show that we are slipping when it comes to hitting our financial targets for both Revenue and EBITDA. The New Zealand team continues to perform well from a financial perspective, but at a Pacific business level, it is important that we keep up our stamina in this race and not lose focus on the end goal.

In order to ensure our momentum continues at full charge, the PEC team has launched the $pin the Wheel of Fortune revenue campaign to ensure we are maximising client revenue opportunities over the next 13 weeks.

The idea is simple…… any sale >$5K which will have an impact on the 2010 Financial year, made between now and the next 13 weeks is eligible to $pin the Wheel for a prize at the following Friday at Beer O’Clock. The prizes range from a bottle of wine, Gold Class movie tickets, iPod Nanos, hotel accommodation vouchers – to the ultimate prize….. an Apple iPad!!

For more information on how you can $pin to Win – please contact your PEC representative.

I also wanted to recognise the winners of the Amazing Race for Q2:

Campari One Nielsen win: Congratulations to Lance Song, Jonathan Tabah, and Fiona Rochester for winning the Campari Brand Tracking proposal – the team won a Simply Excellent Gold Award at the recent One Nielsen staff update.

CPS DA including NZ Help Desk Team: Congratulations to Laura Koch Belinda Craven, Nicole Vitogiannis, Emily Haw, Penny Francis  and Sonya Armitstead who achieved a critical milestone of reaching the 10,000 house hold panel in June from around 8,000 panel back in January.

RMS Ops NZ – Maggie Lu: Maggie’s dedication, attitude and work ethic for BAT, has lead to no Quality Escapes during Q2 deliveries. Maggie has taken it upon herself to work closely with Client Service to understand the client’s expectations to this end Maggie has implemented four additional QC checks to drive quality control.  

Let’s continue our push in getting On Top Down Under, and keep up the pace for a strong Q3 and Q4!


Chris Percy